Tasty street food... on the move!
The Shellfish Pig is owned and managed by Nick Archer and Nikki Brown and are proudly based in Penryn, surrounded by stunning coastline, beautiful landscapes, wonderful people, fantastic produce and amazing suppliers! Nick is a trained chef with a degree in Marine Science and a real passion for great, unpretentious food, travel and the ocean. After focusing his dissertation on sustainability within the seafood supply chain during his degree in Falmouth, his eyes were opened to the amazing shellfish and seafood available on his doorstep.
Tel: 07917 196970
Email: info@shellfishpig.co.uk
Cornwall Good Seafood Guide is underpinned by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) Good Fish Guide. The first UK consumer guide to sustainable seafood. For more information visit www.fishonline.org
Cornwall Good Seafood Guide is here to help us all make sustainable seafood choices. Choices that will help us keep the oceans healthy and Cornish fishers' futures safe. This website is funded by Cornwall Wildlife Trust. If you would like to make a meaningful difference to the health of our oceans, please consider making a donation to the Cornwall Wildlife Trust Ocean Emergency fund. Your donation will help safeguard these remarkable environments, ensuring that they continue to thrive for generations to come. Together, we can be stewards of the seas and champions for a healthier, more sustainable future.