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Leon Emmet


Leon Emmet

Image | Joe Emmet

Boat name

Boy Chris

Fishing Method

Gill Netting, Hook and line, Potting

Leon Emmet is a young fisherman from Newquay who fishes from a small boat the Boy Chris SS276. Leon fishes sustainably using pots, handline and nets, learning the trade from his dad Joe who also has a fishing boat in Newquay harbour. Through their family owned company Newquay fish Leon and Emmets catch is sold direct to consumers and businesses around Cornwall, including some of the finest seafood restaurants.
1. what made you interested in fishing?
My dad took me out fishing when I was little. He is a commercial fisherman with his own boat.
2. what do you love most about fishing?
I like being able to catch my own dinner
3. when was your first ever fishing trip?
My dad takes the whole family mackerel fishing after work sometimes, so probably around 2 years old, although I first went out on the water when I was just a couple of weeks old to watch a gig race.
4. what catch method do you use and why?
A few different methods, so far mainly rod and line and potting for lobsters but now I have the new boat, we're doing some netting too.
5. what’s your favourite seafood to eat?
. Lobster - because you can do lots of things with it. Lobster Mac 'n' cheese is my favorite
6. favourite species you catch?
7. do you think about sustainability when fishing, if so what aspects?
Yes, I use pots for shellfish so that small ones and breeding females can be returned alive. I use rod and line for the same reasons.
8. what are you future dreams/plans for fishing?
I'd like to train to be a marine engineer and spend half my time doing that and half fishing.

Fish Caught


Bass, Seabass

Dicentrarchus labrax

Spider crab by Sarah McCartney

Cornish King Crab

Maja brachydactyla

Herring by Marc Dando


Clupea harengus

John Dory

John Dory

Zeus faber



Hommarus gammarus

mackerel by Sarah McCartney


Scomber scombrus

White Monkfish

Monkfish, white

Lophius piscatorius

Pollack by Sarah McCartney


Pollachius pollachius

Red Gurnard by Sarah McCartney

Red Gurnard

Aspitrigla cuculus

Red mullet

Red mullet

Mullus surmuletus

Sand Sole

Sand Sole

Pegusa lascaris

Small eyed ray by Marc Dando

Small eyed ray

Raja microocellata


Squid, European

Loligo vulgaris

Cornwall Good Seafood Guide is underpinned by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) Good Fish Guide. The first UK consumer guide to sustainable seafood. For more information visit

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