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Blue Shark

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Blue Shark


Blue shark are sleek, streamlined oceanic predators with a striking blue, almost purple colouration. They are one of the most widely distributed sharks globally. Blue shark are rarely offered for sale in Cornwall and it is not recommended that you eat this species.

Sustainability Overview

Blue sharks are long lived and relatively slow growing sharks which travel with oceanic currents over huge distances each year. Although not particularly targetted in cornwall they very vulnerable to fishing and are heavily fished in other parts of their range. Little is known about their stocks but they are listed as near threatened by ICUN.

In 2021 a total of 3.95 tonnes of blue sharks were landed to Cornish ports with a value of £1800 (MMO data).

Updated July 2023

Sustainability ratings for this species

All Applicable Methods


Score under reviewFish rating under review

This species is vulnerable to over fishing and is not recommended

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How we rate fish

Cornwall Good Seafood Guide rates fish on sustainability using a scale of 1 to 5.

1, 2 and 3 are recommended, Fish to avoid are rated 5.

We use the system devised by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) so our scores are comparable with the scores produced by MCS for the UK and fisheries from all around the world. For more information on scoring click here.


Blue sharks are fast oceanic predators that specialise in feeding on mackerel and other pelagic fish and squid, although there is evidence they are opportunistic and do occasionally feed nearer the seabed on demersal species and occasionally eat sea birds. Blue sharks are long lived and females will give birth to up to 135 pups in a litter after a 9- 12 month gestation period. 

Stock Info

Despite their worldwide distribution and the large amounts of blue shark caught across their range, this is a poorly studied species. Estimated by ICUN as 20 million sharks per year are caught in the Atlantic.

The 2023 ICCAT stock assessment concludes that the stock in not in an overfished state, and is not currently subject to overfishing (49.7% probability that: Biomass = MSY, Fishing is below MSY). However, it is only 0.1% less likely that the stock is currently in an overfished state but not subject to overfishing (49.6% probability that: Biomass < MSY, Fishing < MSY). As a result of this uncertainty, route 2 scoring has been applied. Concern for biomass, no concern for fishing pressure, low resillience - 0.5.



ICCAT is responsible for the management of this species. They set TACs inline with scientific advice and that are limiting the fishery. However, blue shark is treated as a bycatch species, meaning less stringent restrictions apply. The conclusion on the state of the stock would be insufficient for other target species managed by ICCAT. There are no additional local management measures, and fortunately, in the UK this species is not heavily targetted, as it is elsewhere in the North East Atlantic.

Capture Info

Blue sharks are occasionally caught by Cornish fishermen using baited hooks attached to the end buoys of gillnets, as well as in the gillnets themselves. They are also caught by rod and line although the majority of shark anglers will catch and release this species. 

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